Beside Myself by Ann Morgan

Beside Myself is a book about a fundamentally fractured family, broken by loss, secrets and mental illness. As such, it can feel like a pretty bleak read: in the first few pages, I found it hard to read about Helen's bullying of the awkward, withdrawn Ellie, and then when their roles are swapped, the endless disappointments, cruelties and injustices that Helen suffers are equally depressing. It's powerful stuff, but sometimes pretty painful, and there's no real respite, so at times I wanted a little more variation in tone to stop the story descending into a fictionalised misery memoir. However, it's a fascinating exploration of the nature versus nurture debate.
Ann Morgan writes Helen's childhood narrative very convincingly from a child's point of view, with all the odd perceptions and quirks of language that you would expect from a little girl of that age. She also evokes the early 1980s very well without falling into the I Heart Nostalgia, do-you-remember-Spangles trap. When Helen becomes Smudge, her mental state - which has deteriorated to the point where she hears voices - is also convincingly rendered.
Although I wouldn't describe this as a psychological thriller - it reminds me more of something like Nathan Filer's The Shock Of The Fall or James Rice's Alice And The Fly - there is an element of mystery to it as we gradually uncover more and more information about the twins and their parents which help to account for some of the family's deep-seated problems and it was this that spurred me on to keep turning the pages when the relentless unhappiness of Helen's point of view threatened to halt my progress through the book. There are some elements of the story that stretched my ability to suspend my disbelief - in particular, a final revelation from the twins' mother, who is also the least credible of the book's characters - but overall I found this a gripping and powerful story, if a desperately sad one.
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